News And Events

News And Events

Shakespeare Contest Photo-Reportage

Passing over Afton divide and descending into the Shenandoah Valley, the sun shown brightly in blue sky. The mild temperature and beauty of the day proved to be a harbinger of a perfect day for the annual Branch Shakespeare contest at Blackfriars Playhouse in Staunton. The turn out would prove to be record setting with 25 member attendees. The mood was buoyant. The excitement mounting, as the program kicked off. The lower level of the playhouse was packed with contestants, their coaches, family members. The sense of great expectations filled the magnificent replica of London's Blackfriars in the late Elizabethan, and early Jacobean, eras. The head of our Shakespeare Program, Fay Cunningham, did the honors of welcoming all, explaining the course of events to come, and thanking her counterparts at the American Shakespeare Center for their assistance. She then thanked Debbie Pruett, her predecessor, who together, organize the schools and their coaches. She thanked Melodie Hagspiel who served as the contest "cue captain," should any falter with their lines. I might add, none of the contestants missed a line, or even a word.

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ESU Burns Night. 1.25.25 – Photo Reportage

A Burns Night to Remember

A stunning affair that could not have been mounted, first and foremost, without the hard work of several of our members, beginning with Ginna Kelly, who negotiated the event with the Glenmore Club on behalf of the English-Speaking Union. As a Boyle, she is not only of Donegal Irish heritage, but also of the Clan Boyle of Ayrshire, Scotland, the home of the renowned Bard of Scotland, Robert Burns, affectionately known, even in his day, as Rabbie, 1759-1796. Additionally, President Williams provided oversight as the program evolved, rallied the troops (about 82 of the 142 attending were ESU), as well as serving as MC. John Crawford worked hard on all aspects of the event, including lining up the Burns speaker (Leslie Strachan), the Piper (Ian Wright), and the Sword Dancer (Haley Kukulis). Together, we worked on this event for many months.

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Partnering with organizations with missions in keeping with the ESU Mission.

The Charlottesville Branch Co-hosted the University of Virginia's Student Oratory Contest held in the iconic Dome Room of Thomas Jefferson's Rotunda on Nov. 18th, 2024. The theme...

Think Again is hosting the fourth annual UVA Student Oratory Contest. A record number of student contestants will write and deliver five-minute speeches on the topic:  "Tell the story of a hero of our American democracy."  A bipartisan panel of judges, comprised of former White House and Cabinet-level speechwriters, as well as last year's student winner, will choose a winner from among eight finalists. The winner will receive a $1000 prize, and a private dinner with the contestants and judges will follow the competition.  Co-sponsors include the Karsh Institute of Democracy, Heterodox Academy at UVA, the English Speaking Union of Charlottesville, and a wide variety of student organizations and debate clubs.  The competition is open to the public and free to attend. 

The winners are pictured below with the Contest Founder, Moderator, and ESU member, Mary Kate Cary.

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ESU Madeira Program and Luncheon

Dear members and their guests,

On an overcast and slightly chilly fall afternoon, perfect for a Madeira Tasting, members gathered in salubrious expectation. Upon arrival, they were greeted with a glass of Rainwater Madeira, about which they would hear more later, and some petits hors d'oeuvres including green olives, dark olive tapenade, toast points, and almonds. The First Lady, Marilyn, and "Cruise Director" and Branch President Phil greeted all as they arrived at the Greencroft Club.

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ESU 2024 ESU Gala, Photo Reportage

First Lady Marilyn and I had the best time at this year's Kick-Off Gala. The men looked dashing, well, close enough. The ladies looked happy to be in gowns, and the men were happy to see them dolled up. The Head Table was star-studded with The First Lady, Branch Angel Lady Blanka Rosenstiel, our speaker, Professor Andrew Stauffer and his fiancée, Megan O'Donnell, Vanessa Bijak, Jami and Zeb Bogdanich, and Georgia and Dr. David Clapham.

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TLAB – An ESU Philanthropy with Proven Result

Spotlight on Fluvanna High School
Drama Teacher

Charlottesville Branch sent three teachers to study in the UK last summer. One (Robert Schuster of Tandem School) went to the University of Edinburgh to study Modernism. Two went to study in London at the Globe Theater. One was Ethan Roberts of Lynchburg Christian School. The other, Craig Edgerton from Fluvanna High School. The spotlight here is on Craig. What has he been up to since returning from his summer program. Allow me to quote our TLAB Chair, Fay Cunningham.

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ESU 2024 Garden Party Photo Reportage

One cannot have an English Garden Party with at least a spot of rain. Mercifully, that is all the day brought. Otherwise, the weather was perfect, overcast (good for pictures), neither too hot, nor too cold. Below left, the hosts with the most, "Shriner Bob" and "Miss Kentucky Derby," Cindy Ryan. To their impeccable hospitality, was added the cheerful service of President Phil, and the alluring taste of his Pimm's Cup No. 1 punch, "best this side of the Thames."

Added to the mix were the expertise of Bartender "Jimmy", and in the kitchen, Chef Propriétaire, Ashley Seig Williams – a winning team.

The Charlottesville Branch set a Garden Party attendance record, with 102 RSVPs, reflective of the dramatic growth of the organization, thanks in large measure to Cindy, focusing on the Senior circuit, and Holly on new members in their 40s.

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Ford Christmas Party legend continues...

ESU 2023 Ford Christmas Photo Reportage

The legend lives on. From the  moment one entered the festive decorated historic home, the "hostess with the mostest," Marijke and team, John and Jon, treated the guests to a fairyland Old World setting and Yuletide fê

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The ESU National Shakespeare Competition Starts Now!

News Photo

We are pleased to announce the kick-off of the ESU's National Shakespeare Competition! Schools in our region may enter now, giving students the opportunity to participate in the Charlottesville Branch Competition.  The winner of the branch competition will travel to NYC to compete in the national finals at Lincoln Center!  

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2023 ESU Gala

ESU 2023 Gala Photos – For those that attended, I thank you. For those who didn't/couldn't, it was a fun-filled evening, highlighted by an eye-opening talk by Dr. John Lenczowski (pictured on left with Branch "Angel", Lady Blanka Rosenstiel on his right) regarding the threat posed by the regime in China to Western civilization. New members were introduced. The ladies were all beautifully turned out. Grand evening.

See you all anon. President Phil

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The English-Speaking Union

Charlottesville Branch

Welcome to the ESU

The ESU celebrates English as a shared language to foster global understanding and good will by providing educational and cultural opportunities for students, educators, and members.

To find out more about our programs click here.