ESU Columbus Branch Photo Gallery

EiA Visiting Scholars Visit Ohio's Amish Country

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Other Photo Albums

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2017 Winter & Spring Programs

On January 22, ESU members enjoyed a lecture by well known local historian and author, Ed Lentz who talked about the early beginnings of Columbus and its importance in Ohio's history. The meeting was held at the Depot Event Center where members enjoyed brunch in an old refurbished passenger rail car. The lecture was held in an old refurbished train depot.

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2017 Columbus National Shakespeare Competition

On February 5, the Columbus Branch held its National Shakespeare Competition at the Abbey Theater in Dublin. High schools from the Central Ohio area participated including Beechcroft High School, Columbus School for Girls, Northland High School, Reynoldsburg High School Encore academy, and Watkins Memorial High School.

Clara Livingston from Columbus School for Girls took First Place with Abbie Bookman from Reynoldsburg High School Encore Academy earning Second Place, and Sheila Gyamfi from Beechcroft High School earning Third Place.

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English Tea

On October 22, ESU Member, Susan Orwig, held the Columbus Branch's Annual English Tea in her Pickerington home.

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2016 Fall Programs

Our September program featured Dennis Aubrey and PJ McKay who presented The Art and History of Romanesque Architecture.

Our November program was on The Language of Dance presented by members of OSU's Department of Dance.

In December, Edgar and Elizabeth Shaudys hosted our annual Christmas party at their home in Grandview Heights.

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2016 Evelyn Wrench Speaker, Robert Hulse

The Columbus Branch hosted this year's Evelyn Wrench speaker, Robert Hulse on May 9-12. His stay was highlighted with his talk, "Isambard Kingdom Brunel: A Victorian Frank Lloyd Wright." The meeting was held at Scioto Country Club and attended by ESU members and area engineers and architects.

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English in Action's Visiting Scholars

The Columbus Branch's English in Action Program not only provides one-on-one conversation opportunities to The Ohio State University's visiting scholars but also provides other fun activities/events. These photos reflect a sampling of these activities.

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Annual Xmas Party - 2015

The 2015 Annual ESU Christmas Party was held in the lovely home of Phil Jenkins and Win Coffin. Members, guests and visiting scholars all enjoyed the evening.

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English in Action Get Togethers

Get togethers held for EiA visiting scholars in 2013 and 2014

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More Visiting Scholars Visit Ohio's Amish Country

Many of the visiting scholars travel all over America during their tenure at The Ohio State University. And, of course, many want to see and visit Ohio's Amish country.

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EiA Visiting Scholars Visit Ohio's Amish Country

Pat Moore, who grew up in Ohio's Amish country, has taken all of the English in Action visiting scholars on trips to Holmes County, Ohio.

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English in Action Program Socials

English in Action Socials held in Spring & Summer 2012

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2012 Annual Christmas Party

Annual Christmas Party Held at Home of Phil Jenkins and Win Coffin