2014 Writing Competition
Event Recap
On Sunday, December 7, 2014, five area high school students were recognized for outstanding achievement, by the Denver Branch of the English-Speaking Union, as part of the Fifth Annual, Dr. Howard Beckley Writing Competition. During the Holiday Tea, held at the Denver Woman's Press Club, guests were treated to readings of the five award-winning entries after which, winning students received certificates and cash prizes. The 2014 recipients were: First Place, Kennedy Walters, Denver East High School; Second Place, Katherine Pitchford, Bear Creek High School; Third Place, Brandon Arnold, Denver East High School, Honorable Mention, Thomas Vogenthaler, Denver East High School; Honorable Mention, Pacific Obadiah, Denver East High School.
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The British University Summer Scholarship Presentation Dinner
Event Recap
By the close of the British University Summer School (BUSS) presentation by Cindy Poinsett and Tim Reyes, it was clear that the recipients of the 2014 Denver Branch Scholarships are intent on "paying it forward." Both Cindy and Tim found new ways to motivate and excite students through the use of innovative teaching and classroom strategies learned in their three weeks of study at Shakespeare's Globe Theatre in London. In August, 2014, the Denver area teachers joined twenty-two other school teachers from across the US as participants in the Teaching Shakespeare Through Performance Program. At the annual BUSS Dinner on November 6, Denver ESU guests were treated to a slide show presentation of the teachers' unique experiences. Following a cocktail reception and dinner at the University Club, ESU Denver President, Bruce Haefner, introduced the BUSS teachers by reading excerpts from their scholarship applications. The teachers' enthusiasm was evident as they spoke about their trip and the impact it had on them and, in turn, on their students. Since 1957, more than 2,000 American high school and middle school teachers have continued their own education through the BUSS program. We are fortunate to offer the annual BUSS scholarship to teachers in our region.

BUSS recipients Cindy Poinsett and Tim Reyes
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