News And Events
Join us for a Fun, Casual Evening and Annual Meeting
May 15, 2017
There will be a short annual membership meeting followed by dinner and a movie. We will see "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel". An enjoyable picnic type meal will be provided and of course popcorn will be served during the movie.
Event Location: Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
Haywood Duke Room
607 North Greene Street
Greensboro, NC
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Teachers Learning Abroad -UK (TLab-UK)

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Application for BUSS 2017
Application for British Universities Summer Schools is open for 2017! The British University Summer School Scholarships provide high school teachers with dynamic continuing education through summer study at prestigious British centers of learning – Oxford University, Shakespeare's Globe in London and Edinburgh University. BUSS teachers return to their classrooms revitalized and inspired to apply their new teaching strategies, knowledge and international perspective.
For more information click here.
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Greensboro Branch Annual Membership Meeting
May 12, 2015
Haywood Duke Room
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
607 N Greene St. Greensboro
Greene St. Entrance
"Romans In Britain - A Lasting Legacy"
Speaker - Linda Danford
Retired from the University of North Carolina Greensboro Classical Studies Department
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Mardi Gras Dinner and Silent Auction
Event Recap
February 6, 2015
Home of Mary Gay and Don Brady
A perennial favorite with our membership is our "Mardi Gras Covered Dish Dinner and Silent Auction" traditionally held in the private home of one of our Greensboro Branch members. The 2015 event was held on Friday, February 6th at the beautiful home of Mary Gay and Don Brady, our gracious hosts. It was a festive affair with many delicious dishes prepared by our members and a "King's Cake" for dessert. Revelers bid on silent auction items brought by branch members. Funds raised at this event help sponsor our BUSS Scholarships and our Shakespeare Competition.
Our 2014 Shakespeare Competition winner, Calliope George, was our guest for the evening and shared with us recollections of her trip to New York to participate in the ESU National Shakespeare Competition. At the requests of the partygoers, Calliope repeated the soliloquy she had chosen for the Competition. She graciously performed twice so that everyone in the overflow crowd could hear her. She was rewarded with standing ovations.
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