News And Events
2024 Shakespeare Competition Winners Announced
Garden City, Kansas Senior Wins First Place For Second Consecutive Year

The Kansas City Branch of the English-Speaking Union is excited to announce the winners of its 40th annual Shakespeare Competition held on February 25, 2024. Pierre Madlangbayan, a senior from Garden City High School, Garden City, Kansas, has won the ESU Kansas City Branch Shakespeare Competition for a second consecutive year--the first time that a student has repeated as the Branch winner since the Kansas City Branch began participating in the ESU Competition in 1984.
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Happy Hour: The Remarkable Tommy Lascelles
Join Our ESU Happy Hour

Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 5:00 PM ET
Sponsored by the ESU Richmond Branch
Alan Frederick "Tommy" Lascelles had a remarkable career serving four sovereigns of Great Britain from George V to Queen Elizabeth II in the role of Private Secretary or Assistant Private Secretary. From the death of a monarch, through the abdication of another, World War II, the death of a second monarch and the ascension of a young woman to the throne, Tommy was there closely observing everything. Was he the malevolent martinet as portrayed by Pip Torrens in the Netflix series "The Crown" or was he merely wholly dedicated to preserving the Monarchy by guiding the Monarch?
We will explore Tommy's life, education, family, and career as well as the role of the Private Secretary. Our guest speaker, Terry Mulchahey, examines the fascinating life of Tommy Lascelles. This ESU Happy Hour is sponsored by the ESU Richmond Branch. ESU Happy Hour programs are online, free, and open to all members and the public. Registration is required.
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Happy Hour: Winston Churchill and the United States of America
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National Winston Churchill Day
Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 4:00 PM ET
Sponsored by the ESU Kansas City Branch
On April 9, 1963, President Kennedy signed a House Resolution proclaiming Sir Winston Churchill an Honorary Citizen of the United States. This program will examine and explore Churchill's life-long admiration for America and his belief that a "special relationship" between Britain and the United States would benefit both countries and the greater world. We invite ESU members and guests around the world to celebrate National Winston Churchill Day on April 9th with our guest speaker, Timothy Riley, Director and Chief Curator of America's National Churchill Museum. This ESU Happy Hour is sponsored by the ESU Kansas City Branch. ESU Happy Hour programs are online, free, and open to all members and the public. Registration is required.
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IRC WorldQuest 2024

If you love trivia contests, this event is for you! The International Relations Council is hosting WORLDQUEST 2024 again this year and all ESU members and Friends of ESU are invited to attend.
Teams of eight representing area businesses, universities, nonprofit organizations, community groups, ambitious students, and globetrotters put their global knowledge to the test. There will be six rounds of ten questions covering topics like global affairs, geography, world languages and cultures, history, and more in this fun and interactive competition. The winning team takes home the traveling trophy, while second-place and third-place teams win valuable prizes.
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ESU Festival Group Night

The Heart of America Shakespeare Festival's 32nd season brings the political thriller Julius Caesar which is a true story of the assassination of Julius Caesar in 44 BC. The play tells the story of the conspiracy against Caesar, his assassination, and the defeat of his conspirators. As the world spins out of control, chaos and superstition lead to civil war. Julius Caesar is highly regarded for its incisive commentary on politics, ambition, and the power of rhetoric. This is a must-see production directed once again by Sidonie Garrett. ESU members and friends are invited to this special evening on Wednesday, June 26, 2024. Curtain is 8:00 pm.
This promises to be a spectacular production with lavish stage sets, colorful costuming, and featuring an all-star cast. Southmoreland Park is the perfect outdoor setting to bring Julius Caesar to life and share a beautiful evening in the park with friends and family.
When: Wednesday, June 26, Curtain is 8:00 pm
Where: Southmoreland Park, just west of the Nelson-Atkins Museum.
Seats: We will have reserved seats near the stage at a discounted group price.
Tickets: We have arranged a group discount price of $22.00 per seat. To purchase your tickets, simply phone the Festival's office at (816) 531-7728. Tell them you are ordering a reserved seat(s) for the "ESU Group" so you will get the discount price. You can pay over the phone by credit or debit card. When you arrive at the Park, just tell the staff at the entrance you are part of the ESU Group and have a reserved seat.
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King Charles' Birthday Tea Party
An ESU Tea Party Fit for a King

Saturday, August 17, 2024
10:30 am or 2:30 pm Seatings
All ESU Members and Friends of ESU are cordially invited to attend one of our biggest social gatherings of the year—a tea to celebrate King Charles III's birthday. We will miss our wonderful Tea Parties for the Queen but our King's Teas will be equally regal. We will be celebrating HRH King Charles' 75th birthday. This will be an ESU Tea Party fit for a King!
Our tea party will include a variety of tea sandwiches, sweets, Brenda's signature scones, Mock Devonshire cream, fine fruit butter or fruit jams and premium tea. Brenda Hedrick, the owner and proprietress of Anna Marie's Teas proudly proclaims, "This is not just any tea party--our tea experiences are delightfully extravagant!" This is a special occasion not to be missed!
The English teas will be held in the Bohnet House in Liberty, Mo., which is a stately 3-story, 5,000 square foot home built in 1913. The house boasts Frank Lloyd Wright details--oak trim, 3 fireplaces and large open spaces. Its large wraparound porch and period American, French and English antique furnishings create the perfect setting for tea parties--served on a special collection of china and silver.
Our teas will include a special champagne toast to HRH King Charles' 75th birthday and we will again have our popular Trivia Quiz as well as some special door prizes.
When: Saturday, August 17, 2024. Choose either 10:30 am or 2:30 pm seatings.
Where: Bohnet House
343 W. Liberty Dr.
Liberty, MO.
Directions and map: Click here
Tickets: $39 per person. All-inclusive, including taxes and gratuities.
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2024 Shakespeare Competition

Join Us On Sunday, February 25, 2024 • 2:00 PM
Kansas City Public Library • Plaza Branch • Truman Auditorium
4801 Main Street • Kansas City, Missouri
Free and Open to the Public • Registration Not Required
2024 marks the 40th anniversary for ESU Kansas City Branch Shakespeare Competition. Earlier this year, students at nine high schools in our region performed monologues from Shakespeare's plays and recited Shakespeare's sonnets in competitions held at their schools: Center High School; East High School; Garden City High School; Harrisonville High School; Olathe South High School; Paola High School; Paseo Academy; Saint Thomas Aquinas High School; and Salina Central High School. Join us at the Kansas City Public Library as the winners of those competitions represent their schools at the ESU Kansas City Branch Finals. Invite your friends, families, teachers, and classmates as our distinguished judges select our Kansas City Branch First, Second, and Third Place winners.
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Happy Hour: Packing Their Bags, the Kindertransport to Britain
Join Our Next ESU Happy Hour

Wednesday, February 28, 2024, 4:00 PM ET
Sponsored by the ESU Central Florida Branch
From December 1938 until the start of WWII, the Kindertransport operation brought 10,000 Jewish children from Germany, Austria, and Czechoslovakia to Britain. Leaving their parents and homes behind, the children would face many challenges and responsibilities in a new country. This endeavor required the commitment of many individuals, humanitarian organizations, and the British government to ensure the safety and well-being of the children.
Guest speaker, Holly Mandelkern, acclaimed author and lecturer, tells the story of the harrowing journey these children endured before the start of WWII. This ESU Happy Hour is sponsored by the ESU Central Florida Branch. ESU Happy Hour programs are online, free, and open to all members and the public. Registration is required. Please register here.
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ESU Kansas City Annual Meeting and Luncheon Program
You're Invited to the ESU Kansas City Branch Annual Meeting and Luncheon Program

Mark your calendar for our ESU Kansas City Annual Meeting and Luncheon Program featuring our keynote speaker: Sidonie Garrett, Executive Artistic Director of the Heart of America Shakespeare Festival. Sidonie will give a glimpse backstage describing how the HASF team and director plan for the 2024 production of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar in Southmoreland Park this summer. Be sure to invite your friends to join you for this fascinating talk while we dine in the comfortable and relaxing atmosphere of O'Neill's restaurant.
ESU Kansas City members are reminded that our short annual business meeting will be held prior to Sidonie's presentation.
When: Saturday, February 3, 2024, 12:00 pm
Where: O'Neill's Restaurant, 9417 Mission Rd., Leawood, Kansas
Program registration: $25 per person
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Happy Hour: Potatoes are not Irish with Robin Sinclair
Join Our Next ESU Happy Hour

Wednesday, January 17, 2024, 6:00 PM ET
Sponsored by the ESU Nashville Branch
Potatoes are not Irish, tomatoes are not Italian, tea is not English, or why we play bagpipes at 9/11 Memorials. Between the 15th and 17th centuries, European sailors traversed the globe in search of riches, glory, and new trade routes to East Asia. Historians refer to this period as the Age of Exploration, or the Age of Discovery. During this time, European explorers made daring voyages that changed world history. These discoveries caused ideas, technology, plants, and animals to be exchanged around the world. This ESU Happy Hour is sponsored by the Nashville Branch. ESU Happy Hour programs are online, free, and open to all members and the public. Registration is required. Please click here to register:
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