News And Events
The ESU National Shakespeare Competition Starts Now!
– December 1, 2023
We are pleased to announce the kick-off of the ESU's National Shakespeare Competition! Schools in our region may enter now, giving students the opportunity to compete in The Tuscon Branch Competition. The winner of the branch competition will travel to NYC to compete in the national finals at Lincoln Center!
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40th Anniversary ESU National Shakespeare Competition Winner

Congratulations to the Tuscon Branch's own Kiera Kuehnle, who was a top 10 finalist at the 40th Anniversary ESU National Shakespeare Competition at Lincoln Center in New York City on April 24, 2023. Kiera, a student of Amy Byroad of Catalina Foothills High School, was one of forty-one semi-finalists who came from all over the country, along with parents, branch coordinators, teachers and supporters for this exciting weekend-long event.
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The Tucson Branch invites you and your students to join us for the 2022 ESU National Shakespeare Competition held on: Saturday, February 5th, 2022 on the campus of the University of Arizona.
2022 ESU National Shakespeare Competition School Participation Form - The English-Speaking Union
2022 Monologue List
2022 Sonnet List
2022 School Winner Entry Form (coming soon)
Registration Invoice attached here
Please email your high school's commitment of participation in the 39th Annual ESU Shakespeare Competition to Alicia Fodor: as soon as possible.
Please send your registration fee to the address on the invoice provided. Important tasks and dates to remember:
15-Dec-2021: All schools must have completed the ESU online Participation Form, and emailed your school's competition date to Alicia Fodor at REMINDER: A member or Members of the ESU Tucson Branch must attend your competition as guests. Please send the venue and time to Alicia Fodor.
28-Jan-2022: Deadline for area schools to hold in-house competitions.
Please complete and submit the ESU School Winner Entry Form online. Send school winner/s' names, and monologue/s to Alicia Fodor at
Please use this format in upper right-hand corner:
Student Name
A Midsummer Night's Dream 3.2.314-320, 322-333
Helena Page 7 ESU Monologue list
The winner of your school competition must select one of Shakespeare's sonnets from the 2022 Sonnet List
31-Jan-2022: FINAL date for winners' name, monologue, and sonnet submitted to Alicia Fodor at Your school will not be allowed to participate if you do not provide this information by this time.
DATE: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH 2021 10:00am ~ 2:00pm: ESU National Shakespeare Competition, Tucson Branch @ University of Arizona School of Theatre, Film, and Television.
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Tucson Branch 2021 Shakespeare Competition
Congratulations to all of our competitions for a successful 2021 Shakespeare competition. We ran an all virtual competition with 18 students from across Southern Arizona.
Our Judges were esteemed Professors from the University of Arizona:
- David Modern, Associate Professor of Voice and Movement, School of Theatre, Film and Television
- Frederick Kiefer, Professor of English/Elizabethen and Jacobean Drama
- Harold Dixon, retired Artistic Director of Theatre Arts/Actor and Director)
- Patty Gallagher, Professor of Theatre Arts/University of California Santa Clara.
While Zoom was not our favorite tool the students participated excitedly while staying positive and offering encouragement to one another.
Congratulations to Kaya Lewis of Empire High School for winning 1st Place with Mercutio/Romeo and Juliet. Her teacher is Richard Gremel.
For more information about all of our contestants and videos of their performances, please click 'Read Full Story'
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Congratulations to Matthew Glasshoff

Congratulations to Matthew Glasshoff, who placed 1st in the Tucson Branch Shakespeare Competition held at the University of Arizona Tornabene Theatre. Matthew is a student of Heidi Barker at Marana HS in Marana AZ. Matthew took on the character of Aaron from Titus Andronicus with an evil glee showing that one can relate unspeakable horrors while still having fun performing as both character and actor.
2nd Place: Kaya Lewis is a student of Richard Gremel at Empire HS in Vail AZ. Kaya related Launce's confusion about her dog's hard-heartedness with energy and physical grace; she made us laugh with/at her along the way.
3rd Place: Spencer Boren is a student of Carrie Duerk from Buena HS in Sierra Vista, AZ. Spencer's Edmund spoke with intensity and passion about the unfairness of life, ending by spitting his curse upon the world with a chilling determination.
The Extraordinary Honorable Mentions (in alpha order):
Justin Cheung Desert Christian HS, teachers Cathy Simon and Alycia Fodor
Kasen Giordano Marana HS, teacher Heidi Barker
Aslan Hicks Tucson HS, teacher Julian Martinez
Alana Kiley, Mountain View HS, teacher Shannon Kerstetter
Kira McNeill The GregorySchool, teacher Lisa Bodden
Anya Moseke Tucson HS, teacher Julian Martinez
Jackson Sparrow Catalina Foothills HS, teacher Amy Byroad

Eunice Ineza and Kira McNeil, Students of Lisa Boden
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