Welcome Message
WELCOME to the Princeton Branch of the English-Speaking Union! The Branch is one of 68 local branches of the English-Speaking Union of the United States, a non-profit, non-political, educational organization formally organized in 1920. It shares a mission with over 50 nations with English-Speaking Union organizations, both in the developed and developing world and its primary goal is one of educational outreach and the usage of the English language to promote international understanding, friendship and goodwill. English is the international language of business, travel and technology and offers different races and cultures a means of shared communication.
The Princeton Branch of the English-Speaking Union, which has a diverse membership in an historic University town, meets once a month through the season from October through June. Events are normally held in the local Princeton area on Sunday afternoons with a speaker on a topic of interest with the chance to socialize with sherry, soft drinks and finger eats afterward. Our speakers are drawn either from the rich resources available in the local area, or from the listing of speakers provided by the British Evelyn Wrench Speakers Bureau. In addition, we have at least two social events; a Christmas party and either a Garden Party or an English Movie night held at the home of one of our members.
We should be delighted if you would consider joining us!