News And Events

ESU Scholars Introduced at February Reception

The February reception at the Maschmeier-Haggerty penthouse included an opportunity to meet two of the 2017¬2018 UW English Department's ESU scholarship winners, Kaelie Giffel and Caitlin Postal. Kaelie and Caitlin were able to chat with many Seattle branch members, including Dr. Marina Tarlinskaya, with whom at least one of them shares scholarly interests. A happy consequence of one of these conversations is we are now aware that new member, Brian Alkire, has an interest in both Chaucer and Shakespeare. Caitlin is currently mentored by Sarah Faulkner, whose successful Jane Austen Festival was aided by a grant from the Seattle ESU. The scholarship winners look forward to attending the AGM dinner this June at the Museum of Flight. Thanks to board members Barbee Tucker-Pigott, Peter Phillips, and Alan Waggoner for underwriting their attendance at the reception. Our scholarship funds accomplish great things indeed!


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The English-Speaking Union

Seattle Branch

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Welcome to the ESU

The ESU celebrates English as a shared language to foster global understanding and good will by providing educational and cultural opportunities for students, educators, and members.

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