Welcome to the ESU Rochester Branch Website
Please register your school here by January 31, 2002!
Submit your School Winner Form here by February 5, 2022!
Your student is vying for the chance to participate in the ESU National Shakespeare Competition and win national prizes like an all expense paid trip to New York City, a summer scholarship to England, $1000 cash and other great prizes!
STUDENT PERFORMERS with their mugs and commemorative tee shirts
New this year, all participants of the 31st Rochester Shakespeare Competition will be awarded a trip to the renowned Stratford Festival in Ontario, Canada to see a production of "Hamlet". The trip is available, at no cost, to all participants and is scheduled for Thursday April 23, 2020 to reward them for their hard work in preparing for the competition. This trip is being made possible from funds from the Rochester Chapter of the English Speaking Union as well as from a generous transportation subsidy from the Stratford Festival.
The 31st annual Rochester Shakespeare Competition for high school students will occur on Saturday February 29th 2020 at 1:00 pm at the Larry and Cindy Bloch Alumni Center at the University of Rochester. Contact Roger Janezic at Rochester@esuus.org or call 585-465-9191 for details. More details about the event will appear soon on this website.
Event Recap
Photo of winners, Reese is on the far right
Congratulations to Reese Stojanovski from Penfield High School, winner of this year's Rochester Branch competition of the National Shakespeare Competition. This was the 30th anniversary of the Rochester Chapters' event. Reese competed against eight other Rochester area schools on March 4th at the University of Rochester. Her winning monologue was from Paulina's role in "The Winters Tale" (3.2.194-212). Her sonnet (#90) was "Then hate me when thou wilt, if ever, now...". Reese went on to compete in the National Shakespeare Competition. Photos from the event may be found on our "Photo Gallery" page. A PDF of the program may be found here.