ESU Seattle Branch
National ESU-US Conference

The ESU-US held their Annual National Conference this year on November 1-4, in Washington D.C. at the Cosmos Club in Embassy Row. The club founded in 1878 has occupied the former Townsend mansion since 1952, and boasts numerous Pulitzer winners and Nobel laureates among its members. Region VIII was well represented by LA, Honolulu, Portland, Denver and Seattle. Seattle member representation included Clarke O'Reilly, and Anthony and Jenny Cowan, in addition to Bill and Patricia.
On October 31, 2019, all ESU members in the area were invited to join the proceedings of the International Churchill Society, which was just ending their conference at the nearby Georgetown Marriott. Both the talks on Churchill and the lunch provided were delightful, and served as an excellent example of the cross-pollination possible between organizations having common interests.
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News And Events
The ESU National Shakespeare Competition Starts Now!
– December 1, 2023
We are pleased to announce the kick-off of the ESU's National Shakespeare Competition! Schools in our region may enter now, giving students the opportunity to compete in The Seattle Branch Competition. The winner of the branch competition will travel to NYC to compete in the national finals at Lincoln Center!
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Shakespeare Committee Report
The Seattle Shakespeare Committee is hard at work gearing up for our annual competition for area high schools. Our competition this year will be held at the Frye Museum on First Hill in Seattle. It will be held on Sunday, March 1, 2020, at 1 PM. This event is always a fun and interesting day. Remember it is FREE and the museum is free also. You can partake in both all in one day.
We really would love to see you at the competition and guess who will be the winner.
-Susan Wilson, Chairperson
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Volunteers Needed for Upcoming Branch Functions...
But first, let me thank Marlene Holbrook for volunteering to serve as our branch historian. The spot has been vacant for some time. After Marlene has time to go through the boxes of files Patricia Haggerty has kindly stored, we will hear more. Just maybe with the upcoming Centennial we might pull together some of the historic events for our branch at one of our events. Many thanks to Marlene.
RECEPTION SITE COORDINATOR: With the heavy travel responsibilities for Peter Phillips, he is unable to continue finding places for our monthly receptions. This might be a good opportunity to pair with another member to share the responsibility.
SUMMER PARTY CHAIRPERSON: August is an open month with a good chance of sunny weather. We usually go to someone's home for the event, bringing our own bar and arranging with a caterer, BUT, if you have another good idea for our group, talk it over with our President, Alan Waggoner.
Whether you are currently serving on the Seattle Board, are a longtime member of our branch, or a new member wanting to become more involved, we are asking you to volunteer. Talk about the jobs with our President, Alan, or seek him out at any reception. He will welcome your interest!
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Peter Phillips Leaving the ESU Board
I am both sad and happy to write this. Peter has found receptions site venues for the last three years. He has been diligent in advising Alison and Steve with as much notice as he had available where to bring food and drink each month. As a board member he will be sorely missed. As a friend, to next to and laugh with, I am devastated!
However, I am happy for him and his future activities. In addition to continuing in real estate, he is also beginning to plan some fun trips. Peter writes:
In April I am joined by a dozen family and friends joining to visit two of my favorite Jamaican properties I used to oversee so long ago. Few night at Strawberry Hill high up in the blue coffee country above Kingston. Then, venturing off to the famed ocean side of James Bond creator Ian Fleming's Golden Eye. Both these properties are beyond extraordinary having been owned and carefully orchestrated by my old boss, Chris Blackwell, of Bob Marley and Island Music fame.
Take a moment to google both these properties and you will get a glimpse of their breathtaking locations and unsurpassed uniqueness. There is always a room for more to join. Just let me know!!
May finds me joining my dear friends from Bend, Oregon off to Spain Portugal and Morocco. There are still spots available. Wish to consider?
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