ESU Syracuse Branch
A Message from the Syracuse Branch President
Established in 1948, The Syracuse Branch of the English-Speaking Union is a very active group. Our programs reflect our members who are spirited, thoughtful and concerned about intercultural and international communications. They share a genuine interest in people and community affairs. The Syracuse Branch meets the second Saturday of each month - September through May - at a private club.
We are pleased to announce our luncheon meeting dates and programs for 2024-25.

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News And Events
Fall/Winter 2024 Meetings
December 2024
December found our branch enjoying each other's company over a delicious holiday meal and listening to the holiday music of the Harmony Katz. This group was founded by Director Pete Carentz and Norm Manor in 1997. In their words: "The Harmony Katz are a fraternal organization, a brotherhood of barbershoppers joined together in four part harmony, that have pledged to use their special gift of 4-part harmony to do good in our community."
They perform for the love of singing, their joy in bringing pleasure to others, and their desire to help their community. All donations made for their performances go to the The Food Bank of Central New York and other local food banks. To learn more about them (and to hear them sing), go to where you'll also learn about their offshoot choruses the Katz Meow, the Silver Katz, and the Acousti-cats.
The Harmony Katz are pictured below, joined in their last number, Jingle Bells, by ESU volunteer Jean Soper, who did an outstanding job with the bells. Thanks also to Program Chair JoAnn Wallace who arranged for the Harmony Katz to join us.

The Harmony Katz

Member Jean Soper accompanies the Harmony Katz on the jingle bells

ESU members enjoy the holiday program
November 2024
Our November luncheon brought us a lively and interesting presentation by Nan Eaton, President of the Central New York United Way. She informed us of all the ways this nonprofit works to solve local community human service needs (
Accompanying her was Laurie Black, Director of Community Education for United Way. Ms. Black oversees the Book Buddies program, which pairs each volunteer with a student in grades K-3. They meet once a week during the school day to read together (
The United Way presenters were introduced by ESU member Kathy Hinchman.

Presenter and ESU member Kathy Hinchman along with United Way's Nan Eaton and Laurie Black
October 2024
We were pleased to welcome Tim and Lisa Ballantyne, Master Gardeners, garden designers, and owners of Ballantyne Gardens of LIverpool, NY. They took us on a slide tour of several gardens throughout the Northeast from the charming Pickity Place in New Hampshire to the New York Botanical Gardens in the Bronx and beyond. We learned about plants and designs, and we now all know about Lord and Burnham greenhouses. We enjoyed the beauty of these gardens and are probably all thinking about future garden visits. Afterward Tim and Lisa graciously answered gardening questions from our members.

ESU member Ann Barker-Griffith (center) introduced Lisa and Tim Ballantyne.

September 2024
We started off our season with a presentation from Aldo Kattón, Artistic Director of the newly-formed Central New York Ballet. This organization includes the artists in decisions regarding the company and has a goal of making ballet accessible to the entire community, believing that everyone can find joy and beauty in the art of dance.
We were then treated to a ballet interpretation of the song "As Time Goes By" from the movie Casablanca, beautifully performed by Lucy Hamilton and Felipe Panama.

ESU member Shirlely Cruikshank introduced CNY Ballet dancers Felipe Panama and Lucy Hamilton, along with Artistic Director Aldo Kattón.

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April and May 2024
The Syracuse branch finished its 2023-2024 season with its April and May meetings. In May Natividad Torrence, accompanied by her son, spoke to the group about MercyWorks, Inc, where she serves as Program Director. MercyWorks' mission is to educate, encourage and empower young people in our underserved communities through a series of innovative classes and hands-on workshops. See a list of their current programs at their website here.

Pictured here are Natividad Torrence and her son, along with E-SU Syracuse Branch Co-President Ann Barker-Griffith.
The May meeting celebrated Mother's Day, spring, and our branch at the traditional "Wear Your Vintage Hat" day. Member Aileen Balitz spoke about her experience as a new member of the Shakespeare Committee and her attendance at the local Shakespeare workshop and competition. Co-President Ann Barker-Griffith gave a presentation on the many purposes and programs of the English-Speaking Union nationally and in various branches across the country. Pictured below are members in their millinery finery.

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Winter/Spring 2024 Meetings
March 11, 2024 Meeting
At our March 11 meeting, Elizabeth Balfour, the Education Coordinator of CNY Lyme & Tick-Borne Disease Alliance, gave her presentation, "Tick Talk." Member Shirley Cruikshank introduced Ms. Balfour who informed our group about the prevention of tick-borne diseases and how to deal with ticks if we find them on our own, our children's, or our pets' bodies. Each member was presented with a tick kit to help with the removal of ticks. Ms. Balfour is pictured below.

February 10, 2024 Meeting
Our February 10 meeting featured Professor Thomas Miller of Syracuse University's College of Visual and Performing art with an entertaining and informative talk entitled "Celebrating Shakespeare." He gave us a chance to test our Shakespearean knowledge with some interesting audience participation questions.
January 13, 2024 Meeting
Our speaker was Garth Johnson, the curator of The Paul Phillips and Sharon Sullivan Ceramics Collection at the Everson Museum of Art. In this dynamic and interesting presentation, Mr. Johnson explained that Syracuse holds a prominent place in the world of ceramics, largely due to the influence of Syracusan Adelaide Robineau who was a prominent ceramicist of the 1800's. Ms. Robineau's scarab vase is a proud and valuable possession of the gallery. Johnson explained the thousand+ hours of work that went into the making of the vase, from carving to glazing to firing. The vase is only one of many pieces of Ms. Robineau's at the museum. Her work is also exhibited throughout the United States, including at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

Syracuse Branch President Ann Barker Griffith and Garth Johnson
The ceramics exhibit changes frequently allowing different collections and pieces by various artists to be featured. Some of the pieces are whimsical, some functional, many elegant, but all are, as Johnson said, art. He encouraged us to visit if we have not done so recently and to bring Syracuse guests to the Everson, our I.M. Pei-designed treasure.

Johnson explaining some of the finer points of the Robineau scarab vase
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Syracuse Chapter ESU Fall 2023
The Syracuse Chapter is proud to announce that Anka Chiorini won its Shakespeare Competition for the third year in a row and competed against other chapter winners from across the country at the National Shakespeare Competition in New York City at the end of April. In her 2nd year in New York City, Anka placed in the top ten finalists in the country. Anka has now "retired" from the high school competition and is attending Oberlin College this year. She is pictured below with Jamesville-Dewitt high school principal Greg Lawson on the left and Syracuse Chapter Shakespeare Competition Chairperson Barbara Weller on the right.

The Syracuse Chapter has been busy with fall events at its monthly luncheons.
On October 14 Mike Intaglietta, Executive Director, spoke on The Landmark Theater, Yesterday and Today.
November 11th brought us Robert Searing, the Curator of History at the Onondaga Historical Association, speaking on Syracuse's Gustav Stickley and the Arts and Crafts Legacy.
Pictured below are speaker Robert Searing and ESU member JoAnn Wallace.

Winter/Spring 2024 Luncheon Meeting Dates and Topics
January 13, 2024: Ceramic Art, speaker Garth Johnson, The Paul Phillips and Sharon Sullivan Ceramics Curator at the Everson Museum of Art.
February 10, 2024: Celebrating Shakespeare, speaker Prof. Thomas Miller, Associate Professor, College of Visual and Performing Art, Syracuse University Department of Drama.
March 9, 2024: Tick Talk, speaker Elizabeth Balfour of the CNY Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease of Allliance
April 13, 2024: Mercy Works: Empowering the Children and Youth of Syracuse, speaker Natividad Torrence, Program Director, Mercy Works:
May 11, 2024: Annual Meeting. Additional Programming TBA.
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The ESU National Shakespeare Competition Starts Now!
We are pleased to announce the kick-off of the ESU's National Shakespeare Competition! Schools in our region may enter now, giving students the opportunity to compete in the Syracuse Branch Competition. The winner of the branch competition will travel to NYC to compete in the national finals at Lincoln Center!
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